Lost N Found


This project explores the ambiguity in human language as well as the gap between human language and computer language. I worked with my partner Erika Bulge. We exchanged detailed descriptions of a personal object that we have lost in the past. Then based on her description, I re-created her object in p5.js. Below is her description of her object.


This is my first time interacting with p5.js, and the process was more intersting and less intimimdating than I expected. The language that Erika used to describe her object, an amethyst ring with gold band, focuses on the personal story and meaning assiciated with this object instead of merely the appearance of it. I googled "amethyst ring with prongs", and the images that showed up were very similar. This gave me a fairly good idea of what this object probably looked like. Yet as someone who has never used p5.js or coded before, I expected my rendering of the object to be slightly less realistic and more simplistic. I devided this ring into three parts to code: a purple circle or a sphere to represent the amethyst stone, two concentric circles to form a loop that represents the gold band, four little squares surrounding the sphere to represent the four tiny prones. As I browsed through p5.js reference, I found out that I could use a 3D sphere instead of a 2D circle. I also googled how to make the sphere rotate and discovered a special effect that makes the whole object rotating alogether with a dramatic and almost hilarious radiating gold light. Initially, I expected the sketch to be more 2D and UI/UX graphic style. Yet after I discovered the sphere object and rotating effect, I ended up creating a sketch that has more humorous element with it. Here is the code to my sketch


The rotation in this project was achieved by rotating effect by amcc. I also used Coolors to generate the color palette of this project.