David Bowie Imposter Generator
Design Process
Potraiture has always been one of my favorite themes to explore. I had a grand idea in the beginning, wanting to create a face that has crazy colors with zooming in and out effects and disproportionately large or small facial features that almost appears psychedelic. However, I got too carried away and forgot the fact that I know very little about p5.js and my ability is limited. As I was drawing in p5.js, my design shifted futher and further away from my original plan. In order to get the changing shape of the face that I was hoping to create, I found a tutorial on Youtube. As I played around with this effect, I realized that I did not know how to change the size of this object. After searching for a while without getting any answers, I decided to use this object as an eye while the whole canvas would work as the face. I still really wanted to achieve the vibrant color changing effect, so I set both the background and the mouth color to be defined by variables mouseX and mouseY. Eventually, when the design is finished, a friend told me it has "David Bowie vibes". Yet considering the atrocious rendering, I decided to name this piece "David Bowie Imposter Generator".

This project is more challenging and therefore more interesting than the Lost N Found project. I spent much more time on it and learned many new things. There are still many things that I do not understand yet. I wanted to do a mouse press function where after the mouse is pressed, the mouth of the character would turn up, becoming a smiling face while accompanied by the sound of a clown giggling. Working on this project made me realize the fun and potential of code and inspired me to learn more. Here is the code to my sketch
The transforming left eye shape in this project was learned from this tutorial