Exquisite Corpse

Design Process

I got paired up with Rebecca Chen and Bhuvan Srivastava. Rebecca had an image of a vase of flowers that she really liked but has recently died. I got the top part(head) of her drawing. Bhuvan had a drawing of a typical male anatomy. I chose the middile part. I had a drawing of a woman made of saturated-solid-colored geometric shapes. I got the bottom part of my drawing.

After I learned that my sketch does not have to look similar to the original design, I felt much more comfortable drawing and adding my personal style into this exquisite corpse. I noticed that Rebecca's flower had many circles, while mine is all triangles. So I came up with this idea of drawing these three body parts with only geometric shapes. I chose to draw Bhuvan's part using squares, because the male anatomy is very muscular and can be interpreted as squares. I used over saturated colors on all three parts for a more consistent and personal style. Eventually, I ended up with this creature that is neither male nor female, neither human nor plant. Here is the code to my sketch


This project really encouraged me to explore the modularity of code. The self defined function showed me how much more potential p5.js has and it was fun to code this project. The exquisite corpse I ended up with turned out to be a nice surprise for me.