Sousveillance Tool
Design Process
For this project, I chose to compare the tobacco use patterns of New Yorkers and Californians from 1996 to 2010. I am interested in this topic because nicotine is probably the only substance that I feel addicted to. Recently, I unfortunately picked up smoking again. I found this API on CDC and thought it would be interesting to learn more about the tobacco use patterns in different times and locations. First of all, in both places (and pretty much all other states in America), tobacco use has been steadily decreasing over time. This probably has to do with the many educational public reports warning the health consequences regarding smoking in recent decades, as well as recent legal regulations of tobacco advertisements. I also noticed that New Yorkers have always been using more tobacco than Californians. This finding aligns with my personal experience having lived in both places. In Califronia, It wasn't very common to see people smoke cigarettes or smell cigarette on the street. (However, in Bay Area where I lived, it was very common to smell weed just walking down the street) In New York, I did notice that tobacco use is much more common. I walk past many smoke shops or trucks that sell cigarettes and Juuls everyday. There are two of them right next to Parsons buildings. It has been difficult for me to resist the temptation, but here I am trying again to quit smoking, starting today.

Working with JSON and APIs was intimimdating at first, but I'm glad to learn this skill. I was also happy with this chance to learn about smoking and tobacco use patterns.
Cigarette Smoking Among U.S. Adults Hits All-Time Low
API from CDC